Friday, 23 February 2018

Evaluation Task 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


Technology was key factor in the production of our product. It enabled us to offer more to an audience in a quick and easy way. We used technology in the pre-production, production and post production stages which helped us to create the product we have now. I am a prosumer in the workings of my campaign through using real media products to inspire me. I used a wide range of technologies in each of my 3 products. I valued the technology I had access to throughout my journey because it improved my digital savviness and made me more aware of technologies I had not come across before.


We used Pinterest to created mood boards to visualise our ideas. It helped us to collate all the images and help us to evoke more ideas within our production plan.

When presenting our treatment of our original ideas we used Powerpoint to organise our thoughts to convey them in a clear way. It meant that our audience understood and created an image in their head of what we wanted it to look like.

We created an Animatic with a Black Magic camera and edited it on Adobe Premier Pro. This semi-professional hardware made us more digitally savvy and helped us easily create a vision and begin to look at what our final product would eventually look like.

As an online research tool, we used Youtube to look at similar genres of music videos to get inspiration for ours.



By using digital media technologies I have used technological convergence to ensure that I have produced three products as a part of a successful campaign. My use of Youtube has enabled me to become a prosumer, a creator of media products to a near professional standard. The use of Adobe Premier Pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional media equipment. I have also been able to share ideas and research global and industry standard products. Digital technology has made available to me opportunities to upload, share and distribute my products using Youtube as a free online broadcast platform. It is also interactive because audiences have been able to feedback, like and comment on my products using features such as Youtube and other online tools. These new skills learned on this course have enabled to gain experience not only as a user of digital technology, but also to become a producer which is important for the understanding of the media in an online age.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Mind map of digital technology used in the production of our campaign

Today in class we created a mind map and noted down all of our digital technologies we used to create our campaign.

From softwares to hardwares, we made sure to write down every single application, website or program to plan out an effective evaluation task 4.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Evaluation Task 3: What have I learned from my audience feedback?


I have learned from my audience feedback that I have constructed an intended star image and an effective campaign. My target audience has informed me what went well, for example, they immediately realised the colour scheme between all 3 products, as well as areas for development. If I was to make any future changes to the campaign I would have made a more obvious narrative in the music video.
Taking note of the audience feedback I understand how the audience inform me the success of  the campaign is and indeed allowed me time to make adjustments to the campaign before it went to distribution. Audience feedback is important market testing in post-production to see if I created the right star image and marketed this purposefully. As Henry Jenkins informs us that we live in a ‘participatory culture’,  where fans and audiences are important in circulating meaning and the strength of media messages.
I also recognise that my audience has engaged with the meanings in my music video in different ways, bringing their own contexts to the reading of the star image – what Hall argues is reception theory. I can understand how my audience can either reinforce or challenge intended meanings in the text.