Friday 8 December 2017

Website Update

Hope has made some impressive progress on our website:

The website currently looks like this, it has changed a lot from the beginning and we are very happy with it. We used a picture we took during the photo shoot and chose this one particularly because it is a very powerful, statement picture. The light upon her face makes a perfect first image to see when you click on the website. Having the menu bar on the side is sticking with the conventions of similar websites.

The about page is for fans looking at the website to find out more about her. We added a portrait picture of Honor to show more of her as the first image you see of her she is covered by her hair. Underneath the description, there is a video of the rough cut and once our music video has been edited and uploaded, it will be placed there.

The 'photos' tab on the website mainly consists of the photo shoot pictures, and Hope will be adding these pictures to her social media sites as well.

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