Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Our initial ideas

At first we all put our ideas onto the table, then Sasha and Franeck came up with the idea of a having a 'femme fatale' as the main character, based on the idea of cyberbullying. We would have a female leading character because this is counter typical to the average criminal who is stereotypically a man. We chose cyberbullying because it could be quite thrilling for the suspense of seeing the other side of the camera, from the bully's point of view. The mise-en-scene would be quite messy, in a dark room because the main character is a nerdy, psychopath that wants to be anonymous to people and tell them to do dark and sick things to themselves. The feedback we've had back so far is good, we are now almost ready to shoot a test shoot to see how it may be, before we commit to filming an actual opening sequence based on this idea.

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